The red admiral
The red admiral (Vanessa atalanta) is a very common species in the Netherlands. But did you know that this butterfly migrates south in autumn?
The red admiral (Vanessa atalanta) is a very common species in the Netherlands. But did you know that this butterfly migrates south in autumn?
The map is a special butterfly. The different generations in a year are different in colour. An example of seasonal dimorphism. I explain this further in this blog.
There are four common butterflies in the Netherlands that hibernate as an adult. Besides the peacock, the comma butterly and the small tortoiseshell, the fourth species is the brimstone. A beautiful bright yellow butterfly which can be seen early in spring.
The comma butterfly is one of the four common butterfly species in the Netherlands that overwinter as imago. Now that the spring sun is showing itself again, these hibernating butterflies are emerging from their hiding places.
While we have already experienced the first frost and our pond has frozen over, I am writing a blog about the peacock (Aglais io). Not the graceful bird with its impressive tail feathers but the butterfly.
The caterpillar is the larva of a butterfly or moth. But there are also larvae that look a lot like a caterpillar, but are not. They belong to sawflies. This blog is about the differences between the two.
Although it’s hard to believe with the current weather conditions…