On this page you will find an overview of the damselflies and dragonflies that can be found on my website. Both the English and Dutch names are hyperlinks. If I have written a blog about a certain species, its name in bold. If you click on the species name you will end up at the relevant blog. At this moment I haven’t published a blog in English about these species yet.

For the species that I have not yet written a blog about, the name is normal displayed. If you click on the species name there, you will see an overview page with photos of this damselfly or dragonfly.

You can sort both the English, scientific and Dutch names in alphabetical order to make searching easier.

On my Damselflies and dragonflies page, all photos are in an overview as a miniature. So if you prefer to search on photos, you can take a look there.

Nederlandse naamEnglish nameWetenschappelijke naam/
Scientific name
AzuurwaterjufferAzure BluetCoenagrion puella
BandheidelibelBanded DarterSympetrum pedemontanum
BeekromboutCommon ClubtailGomphus vulgatissimus
Blauwe breedscheenjufferWhite-legged DamselflyPlatycnemis pennipes
Blauwe glazenmakerBlue HawkerAeshna cyanea
Bloedrode heidelibelRuddy DarterSympetrum sanguineum
Bosbeekjuffer Beautiful DemoiselleCalopteryx virgo
Bruine glazenmakerBrown HawkerAeshna grandis
Bruine korenboutScarce ChaserLibellula fulva
Bruine winterjufferCommon Winter DamselSympecma fusca
Bruinrode heidelibelCommon DarterSympetrum striolatum
Gevlekte witsnuitlibelYellow-spotted WhitefaceLeucorrhinia pectoralis
Gewone oeverlibelBlack-tailed SkimmerOrthetrum cancellatum
Gewone pantserjufferCommon Emerald DamselflyLestes sponsa
GlassnijderHairy HawkerBrachytron pratense
Grote keizerlibelBlue EmperorAnax imperator
Grote roodoogjufferLarge RedeyeErythromma najas
HoutpantserjufferGreen Emerald DamselflyChalcolestes viridis
Kempense heidelibelMarshland DarterSympetrum depressiusculum
KoraaljufferSmall Red DamselflyCeriagrion tenellum
LantaarntjeCommon BluetailIschnura elegans
Metaalglanslibel Brilliant EmeraldSomatochlora metallica
Noordse winterjufferSiberian Winter DamselSympecma paedisca
Noordse witsnuitlibelNorthern White-faced DarterLeucorrhinia rubicunda
Oostelijke witsnuitlibel Dark WhitefaceLeucorrhinia albifrons
PaardenbijterMigrant HawkerAeshna mixta
Plasrombout Western ClubtailGomphus pulchellus
PlatbuikBroad-bodied ChaserLibellula depressa
Sierlijke witsnuitlibelLilypad WhitefaceLeucorrhinia caudalis
SmaragdlibelDowny EmeraldCordulia aenea
Steenrode heidelibelMoustached DarterSympetrum vulgatum
TangpantserjufferEmerald SpreadwingLestes dryas
Tengere grasjuffer Small BluetailIschnura pumilio
Tengere pantserjufferSmall SpreadwingLestes virens
Variabele waterjufferVariable DamselflyCoenagrion pulchellum
Venwitsnuitlibel Small WhitefaceLeucorrhinia dubia
ViervlekFour-spotted ChaserLibellula quadrimaculata
Vroege glazenmakerGreen-eyed HawkerAeshna isoceles
VuurjufferLarge Red DamselflyPyrrhosoma nymphula
Vuurlibel Broad ScarletCrocothemis erythraeae
Watersnuffel Common Blue DamselflyEnallagma cyathigerum
WeidebeekjufferBanded DemoiselleCalopteryx splendens
Zuidelijke heidelibelSouthern DarterSympetrum meridionale
Zwarte heidelibelBlack DarterSympetrum danae
Zwervende heidelibelRed-veined DarterSympetrum fonscolombii
Zwervende pantserjuffer Migrant SpreadwingLestes barbarus